The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7

Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year

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Questions & Answers

Stainless Steel Dental Crowns

What are stainless steel crowns?

Stainless steel crowns are tooth-shaped caps that fit over an entire tooth. They are commonly used in pediatric dentistry as a way of preserving baby teeth that have become significantly decayed, require nerve treatment or are significantly damaged. Although the primary teeth will eventually be lost to make room for permanent teeth, it is important that they are not lost prematurely. The premature loss of baby teeth can cause a variety of complications that can ultimately affect the permanent teeth. Therefore, stainless steel crowns provide protection for baby teeth until they are naturally lost.

When are stainless steel crowns recommended?

Stainless steel dental crowns are recommended as the treatment of choice for children with extensive tooth decay or who have received a pulpotomy (also known as a baby tooth root canal). When baby teeth are severely decayed, a dental filling is unlikely to effectively restore their oral health. A stainless steel crown will restore the strength of the damaged tooth and help your child regain their oral health.

Did you know?

Primary teeth, also known as "baby" or "milk" teeth, are more susceptible to tooth decay because they have a thinner, softer enamel layer than permanent teeth. Additionally, the nerve layer in primary teeth is much closer to the surface of the tooth, which means infections extending into the nerve of the tooth can occur more easily in primary teeth.

Stainless Steel Dental Crowns


Stainless Steel Dental Crowns

If your child’s teeth are damaged, our pediatric dentist may recommend dental crowns to help your child regain a healthy smile. We offer stainless steel crowns, and we will carefully examine your child’s teeth and mouth to determine if a dental crown is right for their needs. Call Pediatric Dentistry and Braces today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Children’s teeth are at great risk for developing cavities, and even though your child’s baby teeth are temporary, they play an important role in your child’s oral health, development and smile. If your child’s teeth become severely decayed, our pediatric dentist may recommend that they receive a dental crown to restore their teeth and protect their smile from further damage. Crowns are also often recommended for children who have received a pulpotomy (baby tooth root canal).

Stainless steel dental crowns offer your child many benefits, including:

  • Durability
  • A less expensive treatment
  • Complete protection for the treated tooth
  • Little to no tooth sensitivity after treatment
  • Reduced likelihood that further treatment will be needed
  • Greater success in restoring a tooth than fillings in young children
  • Effective space maintenance for the permanent teeth

We invite you to call our office today to learn more about pediatric dental crowns and make your child’s appointment.