The aao recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit by age 7

Pediatric Dentists Recommend Two Cleanings/Exams A Year

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Questions & Answers

Adolescent Braces

When should adolescent treatment begin?

Adolescent orthodontic treatment usually begins between the ages of 11 and 15. By age 12, most of your child’s permanent teeth should have erupted, so crooked teeth, gapped teeth and bad bites are easily diagnosed. Your child should have received their initial orthodontic checkup at about age 7, and our orthodontist will monitor your child’s oral growth and development following that appointment to determine when their treatment as a teenager (also known as Phase Two treatment) should begin.

What is the benefit of adolescent orthodontic treatment?

Adolescents are still growing, which means that our orthodontist can take advantage of their growth spurts to shape their bite and teeth correctly and guide proper jaw growth. The teenage years are a great time for orthodontic treatment as the teeth can be aligned more easily and overall treatment times are shorter than those of adults receiving the same type of care.

What types of braces do you provide?

We offer several types of braces, including traditional metal braces, ceramic (or “clear”) braces and gold braces. Additionally, we offer Invisalign® clear aligners. Our orthodontist will discuss each type of treatment with you and your teenager to determine which type of braces is right for their needs.

Adolescent Orthodontic Treatment


Our orthodontist and team offer braces to help your teenager align their teeth and achieve a healthier, more beautiful and more confident smile. We will work closely with your teenager to create their treatment plan and help them achieve excellent results so they can enjoy a lifetime of smiles. Call today to learn more about adolescent orthodontic treatment and schedule an appointment!